Death Valley, racetrack
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Can rocks move? According to the National Park Service they can. This phenomenon was discovered around 1900 in Death Valley, and observers felt that it was caused by magnetic forces. The most famous area was named the Racetrack, but it also occurs at eight other playas in the area.
The Racetrack is located beyond Ubehebe Crater. The road is washboarded and remote. The National Park Service recommends four wheel drive. There are no services in the area, so take plenty of water.
Researchers discovered that a combination of three events are needed for this to happen. Rain leaves a large pool of water on the playa, then the temperature drops below freezing, then high wind.  A large sheet of ice is blown across the playa which traps the rocks and moves them with the ice in whatever direction the wind blows.
No one has ever actually seen this happen. What do you think? Can rocks move?
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Death Valley, California