Sharp Shooters Camera Club, Montpelier, Idaho
All images on this site are copyrighted and cannot be used without permission of the photographers.  Restrictions include social media, photo sharing, and Pinterest.

Next Meeting

Where and When?

Usually, Bear Lake High School, 330 Boise St, Montpelier, Idaho, at 7 PM on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Take the east corridor almost to the end.

Need more information?

Call Ross Walker at 208 241 4595 or Linda Walker at 208-220-0873 or email:
Sharp Shooters Camera Club at Yellowstone

Rotating Displays

Arctic Circle - Montpelier
Bear Lake Drug - Montpelier

Field Trips

Contact Ross or Linda if you want to set up a field trip.

Other Announcements

We are looking for volunteers to display photos at Arctic Circle and Bear Lake Drug. Contact Ross Walker at 208 241 4595 if you are interested.

Meeting Information

Other Events

None scheduled.
Thank you Tom Bates and Ron Yorgason for becoming our new Facebook administrators.
Meeting room map
Contact Ross Walker if you want to add a gallery of your photos to this website.
We are looking for ideas to increase membership and get back to pre-COVID attendance levels.  Contact Ross or Linda with suggestions.
March 26 will be an evening when everyone can bring a digital slide show to share.  Any subject is OK, with a maximum of 25 photos.  Bring them on a flash drive.  For planning purposes, it would be helpful to let Ross know if you are going to participate.
Dec, Jan, Feb - Tom Bates
Dec, Jan, Feb - Ron Yorgason
Mar, Apr - Rich and Rodney Kearl
Mar, Apr - Linda and Ross Walker
There will be a one-day spring art exhibit April 26 at the Oregon Trail Center and photographers are invited.  Prints can be left at the OTC for the summer for sale to tourists if desired.  For more information click here:
The 2025 Bear Lake County Fair Chairman's Challenge categories are "Fire At Night" and "Butterflies"