Linda and Ross Walker met at the Alameda Photographic Society and enjoy having a common interest in photography. They combine a love of exploring the West with photography. Western history, nature, and scenery are favorite subjects, and they especially enjoy documenting unusual and out-of the-way places.

Photography and Art Organizations:
Alameda Photographic Society, Alameda, California
> Both are Life Members, were President three times each, and held many other offices.
Northern California Council of Camera Clubs (N4C)
> Ross - Former President (HN4C), Vice-President, and awarded a Fellowship (FN4C)
> Linda - Former Secretary, awarded an Associate (AN4C) and special service award (HN4C)
Sharp Shooters Camera Club, Montpelier, Idaho - Founders.
Rocky Mountain Photo Council (RMPC) - Ross, one of the founders and the first President.
Bear Lake Arts Council, Montpelier, Idaho - Both were original members.
Audio Philharmonic Society, Alameda, California - Both were President twice.
MADD Hatters, Montpelier, Idaho - Linda was the pianist for this ladies' entertainment group.
Both have participated in various choirs and choruses, and Linda sang with the Veterans Administration National Medical Musical Group in San Francisco and China.
Their work has been exhibited in museums, stores and galleries and has been published in Country, Shutterbug, and Idaho magazines. They regularly present photographic programs and slide shows at camera clubs, churches, and other organizations.
The Walkers retired and moved to Montpelier, Idaho in 1999. Since then, just for fun, they started selling photos of local scenes under the name “His and Hers Photography,” and have taken charge of the photography competition at the Bear Lake County Fair. Their photos are often used to promote the beautiful Bear Lake Valley.